Adventure Book
There’s nothing quite as precious as collecting memories. And what better way to immortalize a moment than to snap a picture and put it in an album?
Blitzy’s travels take him to so many places sometimes it’s hard to keep track.
That’s why from now on, every time you get to a new destination, you’ll be able to add your Collection Items into a beautiful photo album – the Adventure Book!
Keep an eye out for the Pics with a gold frame! Those are a little bit harder to get.
Collect all the Pics from each of the destinations and fill up the Adventure Book with beautiful moments.
Each completed collection comes with a wonderful reward for you to enjoy!
Your Adventure Book can easily be accessed through your user profile, from the side menu by clicking the Adventures button, from underneath the icon of each City on your Map, and inside the City by clicking on the Pics icon under the City’s name.
You can view your friends’ Adventure Books through your Friends Center, simply choose a friend’s icon and click on Adventures. If you see your friends in the chat room, you can quickly view their Adventure Book by clicking on their icon and following the same steps.
This also works if you would like to see your friends’ inventories of Seasonal room Puzzle pieces.
For your Inventory of Puzzle pieces, go to the Hot Air Balloon and check under each room how many pieces you have and how many you need!
Speaking of friends, sending and requesting Items has never been easier: simply choose the item you’re missing and click on ‘Request’ or in their Book, the item they’re missing and hit ‘Send’.
The Adventure Book is making things even simpler with the Search feature. Just click on ‘All Cities’ at the bottom of the book and write the city you’re looking for in the Search bar at the top of your Book.
Making memories has never been so easy and so fun, Blitzers. See the world with Blitzy, win prizes and have a blast!