Best Place to Play PLUS
Always have your PLUS subscription active on BingoBlitz.com!
Is your PLUS subscription no longer working with Facebook? Have no worries, dear player, for Blitzy is here to help!
Knowing how important the PLUS subscription is for you, Blitzy put together the steps for getting it straight from www.BingoBlitz.com, the home of Bingo Blitz!
By getting the PLUS subscription from Bingo Blitz directly, you can be sure that this situation doesn’t happen again and that you always have your PLUS perks active!
Now, let’s see some of the benefits of having it here, in addition to the usual ones! All of them are only a click away, by Playing Now!
Benefits of www.BingoBlitz.com
• 5% more on every purchase!
• Additional Gifts and Coupons – How Awesome!
How to get the PLUS subscription
• Go to www.Play.BingoBlitz.com and log in!
• Click on the Menu Icon
• Go to Bingo Blitz PLUS
• Here you can see all the benefits PLUS has to offer
• Click on the Green Button
• Click on your preferred payment method!
• Put the information in the form
And that’s it! You got PLUS on BingoBlitz.com and can continue to enjoy the benefits without any worry.